Monthly Archive:: August 2020
Change The Default Country Code On The Caldera Forms
Caldera Forms Add following code in your functions.php file to set default Country for Phone (Better) add_filter( ‘caldera_forms_phone_js_options’, function( $options){ //Use ISO_3166-1_alpha-2 formatted country
Shopify: Add more than 7 Mega Menus on Turbo Theme in 5 steps
There are 7 Mega Menus we have on Turbo Theme by default. To add more than 7 Mega Menus you need to follow these
WooCommerce: Rename Product Description Tab Label
On August 22, 2020
Add following below code in functions.php file, just replace ‘More info‘ with your required Label, that’s it. add_filter( 'woocommerce_product_tabs', 'woo_rename_tab'); function woo_rename_tab($tabs) { $tabs['description']['title']